The Manifestation
I've started out my journey when I first created Aradox Inc, at the time it was mainly utilizing the drop shipping business model maintaining the focus on heavy international marketing via social media channels. At first, I aimed to design a business model that allowed potential customers to have access to popular items that were trending in the social media platforms. I've learned to gather data by outsourcing API's from major social media platforms, used for researching items that were trending within the designated profit margins. The idea was to source my supplies from the Korean Market and selling them on US platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and Shopify. And when the method got comfortable enough to scale the business, I started to source trending items from the US market and selling them on Korean platforms like Coupang and Naver.
After graduating college, I've learned the importance of investments and had interests in growing my assets during the learning process of running a business and executing the economics. That is when I shifted my focus on learning about various equity market trades; I quickly opened up my own fund with the profits that were made from the previous business model as capital and started to manage my own stock portfolio. During the pandemic I've fully indulged my self into the world of finance and never looked back. I've experienced to carefully analyze, interpret, and execute in stressful and high volatile conditions, and successfully navigated my self along one of the most uncertain markets in our history. My main focus of expertise was around the options market and learning how to hedge equities and commodities by carefully optimizing my own risk/reward strategy. During this time I was also learning how to write backend models with python codes to curate my own AI model that provides real-time virtual financial advice. I am now embarking on a new journey to create a financial bot that is designed to help users navigate seamlessly through the rigorous financial markets by giving the them the ability to get precise analytical responses for real-world investment strategies and advisories, interfaced with the OpenAI's natural language processing network. The Financial bot will have access to all finance related data in real-time, equipped with Deep Learning language models that will be curated for users to navigate successfully through stock market trades, analyze, and report current events, to meet the needs of the ever changing market. To find more about it's functionality visit the Aradox AI page of this website.